Introduction to UNIX for Cloud Computing


Date(s) - 01/19/2022
Time - 10:00 am PST - 12:00 pm PST

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This free 2-hour workshop introduces the UNIX command line. Attendees will learn concepts and commands for working with remote computers and gain hands-on experience creating, modifying, and searching text files, running commands, and writing scripts.

Participants should plan to fill out a brief survey before and after the workshop. No certifications or attendance records will be kept for this workshop and there is no plan to record this interactive workshop.



Rayna Harris (UC Davis/Common Fund Data Ecosystem)


No prior experience with cloud computing is needed, although some minimal experience with command-line computing via (e.g.) bash would be helpful.

Who is offering this?

This workshop is a pilot workshop offered by the Lab for Data Intensive Biology as part of the NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem training and engagement program.


Please contact us at with any questions you have!


Bookings are closed for this event.